Thursday, January 8, 2015

And it was a GOOD Day

Finally! I pulled myself together and had a really, really GOOD day - both in and out of the gym! I started my day with the earlier mentioned protein shake. Lunch was a grilled chicken salad with my new favorite dressing. (It is some sort of light Asian-themed, peanutty dressing from Kobe). Dinner was a pre-made (not ideal to be pre-made) stuffed chicken breast and another salad.


The Partner In Crime & I made it a chest day and we kinda killed it. We started out with incline bench press. I am typically not a fan of these, because I feel weak when I do them. I'm much stronger on the flat bench, with PIC tells me is totally normal. However, it sometimes just feels like a reminder of how far I allowed myself to slide. Today, I was feeling a little ballsy - so I put 25s on the bar and decided to give it a go.

95 pounds. I only got two reps in before I had to rerack the bar and drop it down to 75. But then I finished it out with the 75! The rest of the workout is as follows:

Incline bench press
4 sets - (95/75, 75, 75, 65)

Incline dumbbell press
4 sets - I started out at 30 and had an almost epic failure after my first two reps. So I dropped it down and finished it out. (25, 27.5, 27.5, 25)

Seated Fly
4 sets (70, 70, 70, 60)

Incline bench...with a twist
4 sets - the twist: we let the bar come to a complete rest, without supporting any of the weight with our hands, and then pushed it up from the complete rest position. (bar, 55, 55, 55)

Finished it off with two triceps exercises

Double rope extensions (20, 17.5, 17.5)
Single arm extensions (5, 5) UNTIL FAILURE

Side note: Here is PIC on the flys...look at the shoulders on that beast! It is hard to see it...but he is killing it at 180lbs for this exercise! Good grief!

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